Iasi: 0374 884 025
Bucuresti: 0374 437 378
When you have an entire team of specialists that guides your management activity, you can be confident in your business! In the financial-accounting field the legal news and regulations require understanding, tracking and application on the specifics of the business in a limited time. This is where specialized consulting team EXPERT MIND comes in!
We communicate using a simple and clear language, being always available and helping you to successfully manage all difficult situations.
EXPERT MIND supports and assists you actively in developing your business by offering financial-accounting consultancy through subscription or meeting.
This form of access to our services is specially optimized for you to get exactly what you need.
EXPERT MIND solutions are designed to give you flexibility to choose the service that best suits your business needs. Depending on the specific needs, we designate a person or a team , for the best results.
You will receive all the services below to better understand the legal framework and to successfully overcome any difficulties:
Identifying fiscal risks and opportunities – advantages and disadvantages in being or not being a payer of VAT / VAT refund / profit tax / income tax – solutions.
Contact us online for complete financial, managerial and legal consulting services to guide you in substantiating future investments and development plans in a perfectly legal framework, as well as overcoming usual difficulties.